Tuesday 10 August 2010

The obligatory first (and lets face it probably last) post

This is like the millionth blog I've created and no-ones going to both reading past this sentance so why am I even bothering writing it?
Well I'm bored and I know I want to write but I have no ideas about what to write. I'm figuring that if I spout some verbal diarrhoea on here maybe some sort of order will appear in the unbridled chaos that is this post.
The whole reason I want to write a blog is that I really enjoy reading other peoples, particularly Oh, hey Kristina and The Hayleylujah Chorus, so I'm gonna look to them for idea's and whilst both of them have much more fertile minds that my own they do have something that I'm going to steal. At the end of each of their blogs they have a running theme, a question that they answer every time. Both of them are obsessed with Chipotle and so they count the amount of Chipotle Burritos (I'm not entirely sure what those are) that they have eaten this year. So in that spirit I'm going to count the amount of times I eat chinese food starting from last Saturday.

Number of times I've eaten Chinese Food since 7th August: 3

I'm also going to say what the last YouTube video I watched was.

Last YouTube video I watched: The Big Bang 2

I think that will do for now, If anyones reading this and you probably didn't get this far even if you were, then thanks for reading and cheerio.

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